If you are an animal lover, particularly of the canine sort, then you are just the person I am looking for. This blog is for you. As dog lovers, we must ban together. There are so many 'doggie don'ts' that I would like to raise your awareness of, as well as 'doggie do's' that I'd also like to talk with you about. This is the purpose of this blog. I aim to be the voice of dogs who are being treated in the most despicable ways. Animal abuse and negligence is far more rampant than you can imagine. I call these 'doggie don'ts'. Then on the flip side, there are those of you true animal lovers, who also deserve to be recognized. I intend to do so here.
First, let me share a little bit about myself and how I came to be a dog lover. It is only recently that I kindled a passion for dogs. Actually, this happened accidentally. As I was TV surfing, I ran across a program called 'Its Me or the Dog' and decided to check it out. It is the stories of dog-trainer Victoria Stilwell as she trains the most badly behaved and problematic dogs. Such as dogs with no potty training who poop all over the house. Or dogs that are aggressive and have actually bitten people, etc. It was actually amazing to me how she managed to totally change these dogs behaviors using positive reward training techniques. But she did. Hence, my curiosity concerning dogs became piqued. So I continued to watch. I would also suggest that you watch as well.
Its Me or the Dog is but only one of the animal programs that are on the network 'Animal Planet'. The 'Animal Planet' network is teeming with all type of animal information. Name your pet, and Animal Planet has it. I found that I am an animal lover of all kinds, but what put my love for dogs in the forefront was watching the American Kennel Club dog shows, which is also on the Animal Planet Network. It was here that my love for dogs exploded. I will get into more details about this later in my future posts. This is simply the introduction to my blogging topic. But I have some magnificent stories to share on this subject, which I categorize as my 'doggie do's'.
What I would like to do here, is to connect with as many dog and animal lovers as I can, universally, to make a stance. To speak out against the mistreatment of dogs in any way, and to commend those animal and dog lovers who are exemplary pet owners. They deserve some recognition too. Don't you think so? Ultimately, I would like for us to form a foundation that supports animal and dog shelters or other causes that give their lives to the protection of defenseless animals. I will also be speaking of many of these in my future posts.
So in conclusion, I will say again, this blog is a cyber call to dog and animal lovers everywhere. Please join with me in an effort to be the voice of dogs being abused and neglected, who, of course, can not speak for themselves. And lets make a 'world' of difference. If you are in my corner in this, please feel free to post your opinions, comments, ideas or dog stories here. Your interaction is very much appreciated.
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